Rolling one-year returns currently +21.96%, net of fees.

Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Specific risks may impact on the possibility of such a return in future. Please refer to the Fund's information memorandum for further details about the Fund.

Terms & Conditions


By placing an order to purchase a general securities advice membership or general securities investment event (the “service”), you acknowledge that you have read these Terms and Conditions. Upon payment and/or signing of the contract this forms a contract between you and Equity Story Pty Ltd.

Investment and Payment

You must pay to Equity Story Pty Ltd in consideration of the service:

(a) the Payment Sum in one lump sum on the placing of the Order by you without a set off, deduction or counterclaim; or

(b) If Equity Story Pty Ltd has agreed that you may pay by Instalment, you must pay each Instalment to Equity Story Pty Ltd in full and without set off or deduction the Instalment Sum on the Instalment Payment Date.

If you do not pay the investment sum in full Equity Story Pty Ltd reserves the right to add an instalment payment surcharge to the total investment sum.

Payments made under this agreement must be made by the means specified in the Order.

If Payments are not made by the approved due dates, Equity Story Pty Ltd reserves the right to cancel your enrolment and no refund or credit will be given. In addition to this, if services have been used, accessed or available to you Equity Story Pty Ltd reserves the right to place all outstanding and overdue accounts with a debt collection agency.

Until payment has been made in full, some or all of the service materials will be withheld until any outstanding balance is settled.

Cancellation Rights & Money Back Guarantee

If you advise Equity Story Pty Ltd in writing via electronic mail within 14 days of placing the order that you do not wish to receive the services then this agreement will be terminated. Providing the service or materials have not been opened or used and are returned in original condition, Equity Story Pty Ltd will refund you all monies you have paid as part of the agreement within 30 working days of receiving the electronic mail.

Equity Story Pty Ltd does not accept 3rd party cancellations, cancellations to alternative email address or any other method other than stated above. If service or materials have been accessed or not in original condition, Equity Story Pty Ltd reserves the right to not refund monies paid.


Equity Story Pty Ltd may cancel the services for any reason by written notice to you. We shall have no further liability to you in respect of the cancellation.

Service Sale and Resale

No service of Equity Story Pty Ltd may not be resold (including via on-line auction sites) or used for advertising, promotion or other commercial purposes (including competitions and trade promotions) or to enhance the demand for other goods and services.

If a service is sold or used in breach of this condition, then all services may be cancelled without a refund and the bearer of the ticket may be refused admission to services.

Force Majeure

If the Services of Equity Story Pty Ltd as contemplated by this Agreement are prevented or cancelled because of an act of God, an inevitable accident, fire, blackout, flood or any other calamity, or if by reason of strikes, or lockouts, or any other events beyond the direct control of both parties, then the promoter may at its option either postpone the Services from the original Services date or cancel and refund as per clause 10.


All notices or other communications must be made to

The non-exercise of or delay in exercising any power or right of a party does not operate as a waiver of that power or right, nor does any single exercise of any power or right preclude any other or further exercise of it; or the exercise of any other power or right. A power or right may only be waived in writing, signed by the party to be bound by the waiver.

Should any provision of this agreement be held by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful, invalid, and unenforceable or in conflict with any rule, statute, ordinance or regulation the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be affected.

This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. Any prior arrangements, agreements, representations or undertakings are superseded.

The service is for a mature audience. Attendees under the age of 16 is at the discretion of the parent or guardian and must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

Equity Story Pty Ltd offers a number of private services, events and seminars. During the services, as well as being provided with training and other content, attendees will be given the opportunity to purchase further training, seminar services they may find valuable. Attendees are under no obligation to purchase any product at the event and any purchases made are at the attendees’ own discretion.

Non-Disclosure Agreement

Client hereby acknowledges that they will be trained in material considered “trade secret” and confidential in nature. Client agrees to not disclose any techniques nor comments about the event of any kind to others, via forums, message boards, private emails, blogs or other venue. If Client does disclose any information about the event then they admit to damages and breach of contract and will be subject to civil litigation and damages. Client agrees to not create, nor partner nor associated with any person, any kind of product related to Equity Story Pty Ltd, including but not limited to e-books, special reports, audio or video files, public postings of content, or any other derived materials. Client shall not record any portion of the services.

Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Equity Story Pty Ltd against all loss or damage that client may suffer as a result by Equity Story Pty Ltd and its speakers and associates and any of its affiliates and representatives from any breach of these Terms and any other cause or alleged cause of any kind. Equity Story Pty Ltd reserves the right to alter the terms and conditions without prior notice.