Rolling one-year returns currently +21.96%, net of fees.

Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Specific risks may impact on the possibility of such a return in future. Please refer to the Fund's information memorandum for further details about the Fund.

Powerful ASX Analysis for Australian Investors

Our unique trending and fundamental market analysis of the Australian Stock Exchange delivers fast, reliable ASX investment advice.

Delivering for our investors.

*Equity Story Growth Fund rolling 12-month net returns.

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Never miss an opportunity with our direct-to-text message recommendations, providing detailed guidance that includes:

Buy Under Price

The highest price we recommend for purchasing the shares.


Whether we classify it as a short-term trade or long-term investment.


The expected duration or holding period for the investment.

Stop-Loss Level

Our recommended stop-loss level to effectively manage risk.


We give you our targeted exit price based on our analysis.


Our view on whether it is a medium or high-risk investment.

Investment Advice Packages

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Investing Masterclass

The philosophy and strategy behind our top-performing Managed Fund and nearly a decade of delivering expert advice to thousands of investors. Live with our analysts via ZOOM and held over a full day - attendees are taught our own internal, actionable and easy to follow investment strategy (CTM).

CTM Course $2,497

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Managed Fund

Equity Story clients benefit from preferred access to the Equity Story Growth Fund.
+38.47% pa rolling 12 month returns*

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Meet your Investment Team

Shane White

CEO & Head of Capital Markets

David Tildesley

Head Technical Analyst

Peter Kopetz

Head Fundamental Analyst

Want to Speak With Us?

Sometimes its just nice to talk to someone first, request a call from one of the team at Equity Story to discover how we can help your portfolio perform.

Shane White

CEO & Head of Capital Markets

Shane’s journey with Equity Story commenced almost a decade ago as an active investor including supporting the early funding and IPO. Also participating in the Equity Story Growth Fund and subsequent company bonds Shane’s deep skin in the game deeply aligns with shareholder interests. Shane joined Equity Story as a consultant in early 2024 to build out the Securities & Wealth service, driving a substantial number of corporate deals, before being appointed CEO in September 2024. He was appointed to the Board in November 2024. Shane’s years in equity markets and advisory were preceded by a successful tenure as a Police Area Commander. Shane holds a Master’s Degree in Public Sector Management, a Bachelor of Business (Accounting), a Diploma of Government (Fraud), and a Diploma of Security and Risk Management. This unique blend of management skills and financial knowledge has been instrumental in his successful 2012 founding and leadership of Pinnacle Integrity, a specialist firm providing integrity-based services. Shane personally led a major review of one of Australia’s tier-one banks in the lead-up to the Banking Royal Commission and several other high-profile and sensitive issues within the banking, finance, and government sectors.

David Tildesley

Head Technical Analyst

Dave’s Fave Advice : Get into a good story, hold it until it breaks trend lines then take your profit and protect your capital. Growing up as the son of one of the UK’s biggest industrialists, Dave spent a fair amount of his childhood immersed in business environments – listening to his Dad talk about business, watching him do business and learning how to understand the fundamentals that make a good business. As so many kids do, he went off in a totally different direction as a young adult: heading to university to study archaeology, moving to Spain, finding love and following a girl halfway across the world to end up living in Australia’s harbour city. Here in Sydney, he went into finance, enjoyed spending time with his lovely wife and growing family, dabbling in property and eventually meeting the man who would change his trading life forever. It was from this man that Dave discovered the power behind trending and momentum, taking this knowledge, building on it and developing what would eventually become the core of the Equity Story system. After spending several years watching the behind-the-scenes happenings in the finance sector, Dave realised that he had a big problem. The industry he was working in didn’t align with his basic principles of wanting to do the best he could for people rather than driving profits up for brokerage businesses. He struck out on his own: further refining his trading model and basing it on his experience of learning backgammon from a Master in Spain. Like backgammon, investing is all about probabilities and strategy. If you want to win, you need to put all of the odds in your favour before you put any capital on the line and you need to take action based on your head and not your emotions. Today, Dave still puts his archaeology skills to the test – studying the history of markets and organisations, digging up the best positive growth trends and uncovering the fundamentals that tell the story of how a stock should perform, regardless of what the sentiment in the market says. “We’re proud to be 100% independent. We care about people and their results, not about management fees. Equity Story is a story of passion and empowerment.”

Peter Kopetz

Head Fundamental Analyst

Pete’s Top Tip : Use the service to its full potential – and give yourself a chance. Your first investment starts with yourself. Born in Poland, Peter came to Australia when he was 10 years old and spent his first years Down Under in Adelaide. When he was about 20 he got a taste for investing after he got into a couple of IPOs which did really well, and this gave him a great introduction to the market and its potential, driving his passion for finding out more about how it all worked. Eventually finding his way to Perth and scoring a job with Asgard, he worked his way up from customer service to pensions to the share department, which re-ignited his interest in investing and introduced him to the concept of analysis, where he found his calling. It was then that Pete decided to become an analyst. Jumping in the deep end and joining a brokerage firm as a Junior Analyst, he learnt the ropes on the run, moved to another firm and spent 7 years working his way up the ranks and finding his niche writing reports. Classically trained in music until the age of 18, Peter takes a slightly different view of charts. For him, watching them is like looking at a piece of music: you watch the story play out, follow the highs and the lows and feel the momentum of it. The story will tell you when to get in and when to get out, you just have to listen to it. But after a time, he started to question who the reports were in the best interest for. He started to notice how dog-eat-dog the industry was, with brokerages getting kick backs for promoting certain companies, and found himself being required to put a good spin on reports that he didn’t fully believe in. So like Dave, Pete found himself in a position where he had to make a decision. Keep his secure job, doing analysis and writing reports for the firm while battling what was fast becoming a huge conflict of interest for him? Or stay true to his ethics and morals, take the plunge and strike out on his own. Lucky for Pete, he met someone who wanted him to be true to himself. They moved to Queensland, and Nathalie backed him 100% to invest full time – launching a new phase in Pete’s life and leading to some of the most sleepless nights he’d ever had. And this is where stories collide: not too long later, Pete came across the newly-launched Equity Story and saw that Dave was looking into the very same stocks that he was investing in and decided to give Equity Story a go. Being the very early days of the launch, Dave was wearing all the hats in the business and called Pete himself to welcome him on board. They got on like a house on fire and Pete was soon back to writing reports – but this time for a company he wholeheartedly believed in from an ethical perspective. Not too long after this, they decided to join forces, combining their truly unique approaches to fundamental and technical analysis and creating the alchemy which turns information into investing gold every day of the week. (Fun fact: Pete still plays the cello and double bass and composes his own pieces, though we’re yet to hear any of them.) “My main goal is helping people to trust themselves with investing. We need to empower people, give them good stories and teach them the skills they need to invest for themselves.”