Powerful ASX Analysis for Australian Investors
Our unique trending and fundamental market analysis of the Australian Stock Exchange delivers fast, reliable ASX investment advice.
Delivering for our investors.
*Equity Story Growth Fund rolling 12-month net returns.
We Take The Guesswork Out Of Investing
Our investment advice memberships are designed to give you clear, actionable guidance on every step of your investment journey.
From precise "buy" and "take profits" recommendations to weekly LIVE sessions with our analysts, we ensure you're always equipped with expert advice.
Never miss an opportunity with our direct-to-text message recommendations, providing detailed guidance that includes:
Buy Under Price
The highest price we recommend for purchasing the shares.
Whether we classify it as a short-term trade or long-term investment.
The expected duration or holding period for the investment.
Stop-Loss Level
Our recommended stop-loss level to effectively manage risk.
We give you our targeted exit price based on our analysis.
Our view on whether it is a medium or high-risk investment.
Investment Advice Packages
Our suite of advice can be found within our two annual packages, helping investors of all levels make better informed decisions by providing actionable recommendations and investment services handpicked by our talented team of analysts.
- Daily 15-20 min "Trade Watch" PODCAST hosted by our team of analysts. Jam-packed with insights, ideas and direct investment recommendations!
- Daily short term technically & fundamentally reviewed trading ideas.
- Direct-to-text message: Mid to Long Term technically & fundamentally reviewed investment recommendations with 'buy under', 'stop-loss', 'target length' and 'target price' guidance.
- 2x LIVE weekly Q&A; PODCASTS with our team of analysts.
- Sunday pre-market Trading Ideas & “Hot Stock” pick.
- Preferred access to The Equity Story Growth Fund.
- Everything in Investor Plus….
- Preferred access - To capital placements, pre-IPOs & structured products.
- Pre-Market Live - By invitation only, join us LIVE before the market’s open each Monday for our best trading ideas ahead of the week.
- Private Investor Club roundtables - A bonus 2x LIVE sessions each week during trading hours with the investment team.
- The Investor Clubhouse - Open to Club Members each weeknight. Collaborative live nightly sessions where members come together to exchange ideas, discuss market trends, share insights and build a community.
- Annual Day on the Harbour - Held each February aboard a luxury yacht and exclusively for our Investor Club clientele.
- Complimentary unlimited invitations to our (CTM) Education Courses. Learn our proprietary blend of fundamental and technical analysis for yourself.
Investing Masterclass
The philosophy and strategy behind our top-performing Managed Fund and nearly a decade of delivering expert advice to thousands of investors. Live with our analysts via ZOOM and held over a full day - attendees are taught our own internal, actionable and easy to follow investment strategy (CTM).

- Mindset & Planning
- The must-have technical indicators
- Brainwashing - “Why would you buy that?" or "Why wouldn't you buy that?”
- Our powerful technical "Buy" & "Bullish" signals
- Trading different charting timeframes
- Using stop losses
- Risk vs Reward
- The fundamentals of fundamental analysis
- The "Cloud of Craziness"– Distilling the noise around the investment
- Bringing it all together
Managed Fund

Equity Story clients benefit from preferred access to the Equity Story Growth Fund.
+38.47% pa rolling 12 month returns*
- Open to both Retail & Wholesale investors.
- The Fund utilises Equity Story’s in-house proprietary blend of fundamental and technical analysis, refined over a decade, which to date has consistently delivered strong investment performance.
- Focused on medium-to-long-term growth opportunities, particularly in emerging companies, our active management strategy allows us to adapt to changing markets, including shifting to cash when necessary.
- By combining top-down and bottom-up fundamental research with technical analysis, we aim to capitalise on momentum while managing risk. Tracking price trends and key indicators helps to target optimum results, while identifying technical weakness supports timely exits.
- This unique dual approach, leveraging fundamental analysis and technical indicators, is intended to optimise returns while mitigating potential losses.
Wealth Division
Benefit from our partnership with Baker Young with access to premium full-service wealth and advisory solutions..
- Trusted Team: In operation for over 30 years, acting as a full service private client investment business. Specialising in Stock Exchange listed shares and securities transactions, Portfolio Management, Wealth strategies and Capital Raising.
- Corporate Advisory: Access to carefully curated capital raising opportunities including placements and IPOs.
- Managed Portfolio Services: Managed discretionary portfolios are a premium, actively managed service that allows our advisers to act on your behalf (under strict guidelines), completely removing the stress from the investing process.
Meet your Investment Team

Shane White
CEO & Head of Capital Markets

David Tildesley
Head Technical Analyst

Peter Kopetz
Head Fundamental Analyst
Want to Speak With Us?
Sometimes its just nice to talk to someone first, request a call from one of the team at Equity Story to discover how we can help your portfolio perform.
- Call 02 9907 9652
- Level 6, 22 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000
- *Please note meetings are by appointment only